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Patrick Danciu

A way to detect breast cancer lymphedema early – Discover the TDC TECHNOLOGY

Updated: Oct 16

In medicine, diagnosis and choice of treatment are considered paramount in a successful recovery and healing. But what about the side effects, the induced discomfort that might entail and can be different for every patient? Shouldn’t they be as important and taken as seriously?


Women who are at risk with lymphedema due to breast cancer can finally benefit from a solution early detecting lymphedema, therefore treat it before it becomes out of control. It takes between 1 to 2 years for patients who suffer from lymphedema due to breast cancer, to recover. And if it’s not early detected, 100% recovery is not possible.


Delfin Technologies who were concerned with this condition, decided to take matter in their hands by developing and patenting a measurement instrument to detect lymphedema early and help women go through this breast cancer side effect.


The Tissue Dielectric Constant (TDC) technology is the best way to measure local tissue water content and its variation, since it can strongly change in case of lymphedema. Delfin Technologies integrated the TDC into the LymphScanner instrument. It measures the TDC value and converts it into Percentage Water Content (PWC).

The PWC is an accurate objective indicator of tissue water when following a subject’s tissue water changes, on a single area over time, or detecting site-to-site differences. The absolute values in TDC or PWC units are dependent on individuals, the parameter most applied to lymphedema detection being the TDC or PWC ratio. On the other hand, the PWC ratio is independent of the measurement sites, age, gender, BMI, race and diurnal effects.


For example, you can see on the diagram, that the healthy side (arm) is selected as a reference site with a PWC value of 23. The operated side is measured, and its value is 42. The PWC value is calculated as follow:

Percentage Water Content Formula
Rapid breast cancer lymphedema measurement


The PWC of the operated side is 83% higher that the PWC of the healthy side.

The principle of operation of the hand-held LymphScanner is based on the processing of data derived from the interaction between device generated microwaves and biological material. The probe, in contact with the skin, is moved from site to site and the result appears instantly.

When moving or sliding the probe to a new area, the instrument immediately measures and displays the PWC of a new site and calculates the ratio of the reading, with respect to the selected reference area.


Unique and game-changer instrument, the LymphScanner is the only locally non-invasive device measuring localized Percentage Water Content (PWC). It tracks treatment-related effects in the skin. Physicians can form a clinical judgement of lymphedema on any skin area of the body, and in any position. Rapid scanning helps lymphologists and therapists getting localized information on the extent of lymphedema, and plan with their patients the best course of action to treat this condition.


LymphScanner Instrument from Delfin USA

Enduring breast cancer is already a tragedy, but dealing with post-cancer lymphedema is an additional ordeal. The patient needs all the moral and medical support possible and thanks to the LymphScanner, the doctor can instantly assess this terrible deformity and decide along with the patient the best option to treat lymphedema. It is a condition that can affect the patient’s daily life, physically, morally and practically. One arm can be of normal size while the other can be as much as 300% bigger! It is then challenging not to be affected psychologically and deal with it.


Arm affected by lymphedema vs healthy arm

Delfin Technologies is in a position of world leader in portable and skin research instruments, also because their scientific validation is proven through more than 1,500 published clinical studies, more than 109 regarding the LymphScanner. Written by Medical Doctors and Physicians, they provide an abundance of knowledge and evidence, acclaiming the use of our technology and instrument.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


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